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August 27, 2023

Furniture Care and Maintenance

Furniture is an integral part of our homes and living spaces, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal. To ensure that your furniture remains in excellent condition and stands the test of time, proper care and maintenance are essential. This article delves into the world of furniture care, offering practical tips and advice to help you maintain the beauty and functionality of your cherished pieces.

Regular Cleaning Routine

Keeping your furniture clean is the first step in maintaining its appearance and condition. Different materials require specific cleaning methods:
  • Wood Furniture: Dust wood furniture regularly using a soft, microfiber cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that can damage the finish. For deep cleaning, use a mild solution of water and a gentle wood cleaner.
  • Upholstered Furniture: Vacuum upholstered furniture using a soft brush attachment to remove dust and debris. Check the manufacturer's label for cleaning codes and use appropriate upholstery cleaners or consult professionals for deep cleaning.
  • Metal and Glass Furniture: Wipe metal and glass surfaces with a damp cloth to remove fingerprints and dirt. Use a glass cleaner for glass surfaces, and avoid abrasive scrubbing.
wipe with microfiber cloth

Clean, slightly wet microfiber cloth is solution to 99% of all problems

Protection from Sunlight and Humidity

Exposure to sunlight can cause fading and deterioration of furniture finishes over time. Position your furniture away from direct sunlight or use curtains and blinds to block UV rays. Unless, of course, your furniture is designed for outdoor use (patio furniture). Additionally, fluctuating humidity levels can lead to wood swelling and warping. Use a humidifier or dehumidifier to maintain a stable humidity level in your home.

Preventive Measures

Implement preventive measures to avoid potential damage:

  • Use Coasters and Placemats: Place coasters under glasses and placemats under plates to protect wood surfaces from water rings and heat.
  • Furniture Pads: Attach felt pads to the bottom of furniture legs to prevent scratching and damage to flooring. A lot of sofas and sectional already come with those pre-installed.
  • Rotate Cushions: Rotate and flip cushions on upholstered furniture to distribute wear evenly. This is recommended to do on a regular basis.
  • Avoid Sharp Objects: Prevent scratches by refraining from placing sharp objects directly on furniture surfaces.
rotate cushions

Rotate cushions on your couches often to prolong furniture life and even wear

Dealing with Spills and Stains

Accidents happen, but prompt action can minimize damage:

  • Blot spills immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth.
  • For upholstered furniture, refer to the cleaning code on the manufacturer's label to determine suitable cleaning solutions.
  • Test any cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area before applying it to the stain.

Polishing and Refinishing

Over time, wood furniture may lose its luster. Use a high-quality furniture polish to restore shine and protect the finish. For deeper scratches or wear, consider consulting professionals for refinishing.

Storage and Moving

Proper storage and handling during moves or renovations are crucial:

Disassemble furniture whenever possible to prevent stress on joints and parts.

Take all hardware (bolts, screws, etc.) and put in a separate bag and tape this bag to one of furniture pieces. This way you'll never loose it. Alternatively you might just mage a 'tape-ball' out of moving tape and attach this 'tape-ball' to a piece of furniture.

Wrap furniture in protective blankets or bubble wrap to prevent scratches and dents during transit or storage. Protect corners with extra layers of carton.


Investing in furniture care and maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your furniture pieces, ensuring they remain attractive and functional for years to come. By adopting a regular cleaning routine, protecting furniture from environmental factors, and taking preventive measures, you can preserve the beauty and value of your furniture collection. Remember, each piece of furniture is unique, so be sure to consult manufacturer guidelines and seek professional assistance when needed.

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