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January 18, 2022

Full Guide on How to Use comfyco.com Ordering Options

This small know-how will help you to better understand how our options work. While our ordering system differs from systems used on majority on other websites, we still think it's very easy and intuitive to use. Our main goal when creating this system was extreme flexibility so customers can order whatever combination they want.

What are ordering options for?

Options are typically allowing to choose other products and set items, which is very common for furniture websites. Of course, you can browse the website for your new bedroom furniture and add nightstands, dresser, chests, beds from a different categories. But options allow you to choose everything you need from a single place.

As explained before our options system differs somewhat from typical options system used on other platforms and websites. However, it's very easy.

The main thing to understand that our ordering system consists of 2 pretty much similar sets of options. First set is You are ordering type and second one is Add to Order

"You are ordering" option

First option here will always be selected. You can choose any other option from this set so it will be selected instead. This choice exists because some folks would like to buy some secondary product from a set, for example, loveseat from sofa / loveseat / chair set displayed. You just click on whatever you need, and it changes default selected option to a newer option you selected. Only 1 option of this type can be selected.

"Add to Order" type option

These options exist so you can choose whatever additions you want to first selected option. Note than in most cases a very first option from first set will not be displayed here (who would want to add up queen size bed to queen size bed?) For instance, you are shopping for bedroom furniture and queen size bed is selected. You want to add some nightstands and dresser to it. Very simple - click on those options from a second set and add everything to a shopping cart. You can easily see that on example here:

example on how options work with bedroom ordering

Bedroom Furniture example

Very similar - just check how easy it is to just get a loveseat + chair from a sofa / loveseat / chair example we talked about before:

example on how options work with default options change

Select a primary thing from first set of options, then add

We hope it's easy to understand and self-explanatory.

Of course this options system can't possibly do all combinations that you might want. However, with a little bit of imagination you can get practically anything. For instance, you might ask, what if I want 3 loveseats and 2 chairs? Easy! Add 1 separate loveseat and 1 separate chair to shopping cart and update quantities directly in a shopping cart.

If you still have some questions, you can always use a livechat before ordering or call us - we are always here to help.

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