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December 18, 2022

Choosing a sofa: sectional vs regular couch

A sofa is one of the important elements of any living room. It can complement the interior decoration of a room or become a bright spot to make an emphasis. Besides, sofas are wonderful items that can help us relax and have a rest after a hard-working day. With such a great diversity of modern sofas, it's sometimes hard to make a decision. Let's observe the main types of modern sofas and the principles of their choice.

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Couch' main purpose - to be comfy ;)

Types of sofas

To make it clear, it's required to divide sofas into two main categories:

  • Regular sofa or couch. They are usually 2- or 3-seat sofas, which are perceived as a single whole. We can often buy armchairs to match but they are never connected with the sofas themselves. Such items are created with various styles and dimensions. We can find simple and affordable mechanical sofas as well as motion sofas to create an incomparable level of comfort.
  • Sectional. Such sofas consist of several sections (usually two or more). Such furniture is presented in diverse configurations to find a perfect solution for every room. We can find various types of sectionals depending on the number of elements - chaise sectionals (include a standard sofa with three seats and an additional chaise at one of the sides), L-shapes (they have 5 or more seats and an additional connecting seat in the middle), or U-shaped (include a central sofa and an equal number of seats at both sides). The majority of sectionals can be easily rearranged depending on the requirements.
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Sectionals can be a perfect choice for large spaces

How to make a choice?

In fact, there're no definite rules concerning the choice of sofas. At the same time, there're several issues to consider beforehand:

  • A number of seats. It greatly depends on the number of people, who will use the furniture. If 1-2 seats are just enough, then a standard sofa is a perfect option. If you have a big family or like inviting friends, then it's better to look closer at one of the sectionals.
  • Size of the room. It's vital to understand how much space is available to place a sofa. For smaller rooms, standard variations are the best option. They suit well and don't require much space, while you still have a nice place to rest. For larger rooms, sectionals are a perfect choice to create a full-fledged seating area.
  • Style of a sofa. All sorts of sofas are presented in a wide range of styles. They can be upholstered with various textiles and even leather, have curved elements, be supplemented with pretty cushions, etc. It's extremely important to define the most suitable style for your room to make the whole interior look nice and complete. Sofas can match the surroundings or become a bright spot, which allows making an emphasis.
  • Future 'users'. If you often have guests, it's better to take care of a guest-friendly environment. People don't actually like sitting next to each other. It's much easier to talk when they are across from one another. Thus, it's better to make sure that the placement of elements is comfortable enough.
  • Durability. It's always important to make sure all mechanisms and upholstery are of the highest quality. In fact, sectionals usually have the same durability as standard sofas. At the same time, they usually experience more intensive use and they are created for that.

Sofas can be easily supplemented with other elements to make an area even more comfortable and functional. Think of adding a coffee table, an ottoman, cushions, or an extra armchair to make the room look finished.

Benefits of sections

When people have rooms that are large enough, they usually choose sectionals. Such items become focal points of the room and allow to easily eliminate excessive free space. As a result, people can enjoy a nice seating area, which can usually offer additional benefits, such as:

  • Cup holders (for recliners)
  • Rearrangeable elements
  • A sleeping space for 2 or more people
  • Built-in drawers/tables/shelves, which can be used as an additional storage space for linen, drinks, etc.

It's a common misconception that all sectionals occupy lots of space. Today, there're diverse variations, some of which are quite small and don't require much area. Compared to a standard sofa, sectionals provide more flexibility.

The choice of a suitable sofa for a living room is a personal solution for any house owner. Always take the available space into account and think about the future usage of the furniture item. As a result, you will successfully buy a sofa that can fulfill all the necessary functions and perfectly suit the surrounding area.

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