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Stock information

Most of our products are in-stock and ready to ship, however, to avoid surprises, we ask that you do check availability before placing your order.

We can not display live inventory data because:

  • Inventory changes every day.
  • All manufacturers have they own inventory systems, for most factories you have to call in every time. There is no unified or common database. This is the main reason we cannot display stock status on product pages.

You can inquire about stock by using 1 of 3 options:

1.  Use "Check Stock" - Place the items you want to check in your cart. If you have a few things to consider, place them in a shopping cart all at once. Go to your cart - there's a place right next to big orange 'Next Step' button that allows you to put email in. Do that once, and we'll respond with separate emails about each product in your shopping cart. Note that these might be answered only within business hours, i.e. 9-5 Monday-Friday.

2.  Email Us - Send us an email with the products you are considering or use a LiveChat, and we will get back to you with in-stock information.

3.  Call Us - Give us a ring at 732-893-8900, and we will look up the availability of your products.

Please note: some things can be checked only during business hours so you may receive an email only next morning.