Cambridge, MA
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Seg II Pink


Seg performance velvet accent chair in gold pink

Introduce your guests to a warm and welcoming environment with the Seg Performance Velvet Accent Chair. Made for use as a reception or guest chair, this upholstered chair's coated steel frame, stain-resistant performance velvet, and dense foam padding are ready for frequent use. This velvet chair is perfect both for offices looking to impress new clients and for anyone intrigued by designs that develop space and form in an innovative way.


Pink performance velvet upholstery

Coated steel frame

Dense foam padding

Model: Seg II Pink



30.5" W
27" D
28.5" H

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Manufacturer - Brand - Modway

5 (62 reviews)
Modway is CA-NJ based importer of modern dining stools, coffee tables, office furniture and more. Styles of their products are always contemporary, modern and urban.